There’s nothing like the fresh garden vegetables all summer long. Set up base of garden, leveled the area and applied proper drainage for base. Finished setting the base section then added 2 sections of 14" spruce attached to the 4 x 4 posts Added a 6" pressure treated top rail around the perimeter as well as a metal fence for protection Created and built a custom door feature from old cedar boards and scrap wood. To complete the garden, I added solar lighting on all the posts and then a crushed stone section on the front and inside area. Completed garden with a great season of fresh vegetables. Slide 1 Slide 1 (current slide) Slide 2 Slide 2 (current slide) Slide 3 Slide 3 (current slide) Slide 4 Slide 4 (current slide) Slide 5 Slide 5 (current slide) Slide 6 Slide 6 (current slide)